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Vanessa Bell Story 

Father & Daughter Affair

The Father - Patrick Yuen ( PaPa Yuen)

more than 50 years experience in jewellery design & making industry. He specialises in design with diamond, jade and gemstones.


He is involved from concept to production and all items are created in his own workshop in Hong Kong.

About The Designer 

The Daughter - Vanessa Yuen has always been interested in fashion, art and styling. She spent her childhood in her Father's studio which was where her passion for fashion and design began.


She studied fashion and textile in Hong Kong to achieve her dream job and become a fashion designer, and has worked in all aspects of design for over seven years since.


In 2014, she decided to follow her dream and travel to Europe. Whilst in London, she gained experience in a london handcrafted jewellery shop as an design intern.


After returning to Hong Kong, with the influence of vintage jewellery design on her mind, she founded Vanessa Bell together with her Father and the brand was formed in 2015.

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wixCRM.emailContact('SY2p8O1', <enter-contact-id-here>);

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wixUsers.emailUser('SY2p8O1', <enter-user-id-here>);

Vanessa Bell 成立2015年,所有珠寶首飾也在香港工作室由擁有五十多年經驗的爸爸利用傳統珠寶製作工藝親自打造的,純手工製作和小量採購寶石也使得每一件飾品都成為了獨一無二的。歡迎預約上工作室參觀選購。


#珠寶品牌 #珠寶店 #戒指 #小資女首飾香港 #香港首飾品牌  #香港製造 #香港珠寶品牌 #輕珠寶香港 #輕奢首飾品牌 #珠寶香港#香港輕珠寶品牌

#歐美輕珠寶 #復古風 #本地製作 #輕珠寶 #手工珠寶

#香港製作珠寶 #香港製作 #香港珠寶#鑽石 #真金 #真鑽

#Diamond #Rings #HKjewellery #18Kgold #sapphire #ruby #emerald #necklaces #HongKong #18K金


#finejeweleryhk #hkjewellery#18kjewelry #localjewelerybrand #jewelleryhk #hkjewelerybrand

#Handcrafted #HandmadeJewelry #HongKongDesign

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